We have expertise in all aspects of the coupon process. We can advise you on creating your coupon policies and procedures, budgeting your promotion, and help with how to maximize ROI for your coupon expenditures. From concept to completion, we provide expert guidance throughout the entire coupon life cycle.
We have no hidden charges. Our pricing is highly competitive and we do not tack on extra fees such as, per user access; per store tag fees; or transaction fees. Our pricing is simple and affordable.
Our online Promotion And Redemption Information Systems, (PARIS)sm provides sophisticated reporting and analysis of your coupon promotions. PARISsm is available through the internet with a standard browser. No special software is needed to obtain real-time reporting on the performance of your coupons. Management level and detail reporting is also available – showing redemption trends, retailer payments, and promotion performance.
Our processing plant has the best misredemption review process in the industry. All coupons are examined for physical misredemption and suspect submissions are closely reviewed. We do our best to ensure that your redemption dollars are paid to legitimate retailers for valid submissions.
Our payment process is fully auditable and shows each retailer payment with check numbers and reconciled dates. This allows you to easily verify retailers received full payment for their coupon submissions in a timely manner. Timely payments help you maintain a good relationship with your customers (retailers). We allow payment remittance from either our bank or yours. No extra charge is incurred if remittance is from your bank.
We provide prompt, personalized, friendly customer service. Our commitment is to meet your every need with integrity and a sound understanding that you want to get optimal results from your promotions.